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发布者: 顾绍骅 | 发布时间: 2017-1-27 17:34| 查看数: 1303| 评论数: 1|帖子模式



如果把西方绘画比喻为“白雪”,把中国画比喻为“梅花”的话,那么宋代诗人陆梅坡的诗句便解答了二者间的关系:“梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香”。( 诗的后两句巧妙地托出二者的长处与不足:梅不如雪白,雪没有梅香,回答了“骚人阁笔费评章”的原因,也道出了雪、梅各执一端的根据。读完全诗,我们似乎可以看出作者写这首诗是意在言外的:借雪梅的争春,告诫我们人各有所长,也各有所短,要有自知之明。取人之长,补己之短,才是正理。这首诗既有情趣,也有理趣,值得咏思。)





顾绍骅 发表于 2017-2-10 11:45:55
本帖最后由 顾绍骅 于 2017-2-10 11:51 编辑

顾绍骅的诗情画意  创刊号  
Gu Shaohua's poetic Chinese painting  The first issue
【编者按】    为弘扬中华传统文化——天人合一、中正和谐、厚德载物、 忠孝智勇、勤劳善良、自强不息等的中国精神;“顾绍骅的诗情画意”决定采取中英文对照版的形式,争创“诗情画意”的国际品牌地位;向世界传播中华优秀传统文化!(中国书法知识、中国画的诗情画意知识、儒、释、道对中国书画的影响等等)做“高大上”,争做精品,宁缺勿乱。希望中外读者给予支持、鼓励与批评指正!
[Abstract] in order to promote the Chinese traditional culture -- theory that man is an integral part of nature, Harmony and Perfection, Social commitment, Loyalty filial, piety, resourcefulness, courage, Industrious and kind, constantly strive to become stronger; the Chinese spirit; "Gu Shaohua's poetic Chinese painting Chinese and English version decided to take" the form of "poetic Chinese painting", striving for the international brand position (China influence knowledge of calligraphy painting China, poetic Chinese painting, Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism knowledge, Chinese of calligraphy and painting and so on) "Top, grand, advanced, Better to be short to become a boutique, than Lack not chaos. Hope that Chinese and foreign readers give support, encouragement and criticism!



Gu Shaohua's artistic thought

The development of Chinese painting must be in accordance with the "China" - in China traditional culture (poetry, calligraphy, painting Chinese) as one of the "poetic Chinese painting" - is China painting soul and China painting development direction...... Poetic Chinese painting is also the development direction of world art.


Stand in the forest of world art, There is no difference between Chinese and Western painting, is the product of culture; is of human nature, human society, thinking, thinking (seek ways) only; style is different: the great educator Cai Yuanpei pointed out: "Western painting, Proximity architecture (rational the object is to describe key), Chinese painting Approaching Literature (Borrow, Shuhuai sensitive, poetic Chinese painting origin)." Namely: the general architecture of Western painting approximate rational realism; imitation is the objective things (tracing). The Chinese painting is almost a general literature strong personality, artistic objective things (Be free from things of the world, Not bound by specific things), and thus achieve the "take advantage of a scene to express one's emotion, Talk about ambition from objective things" - from life than life (is a refinement of life, emotional catharsis). Therefore, it will be in accordance with the traditional Chinese culture.


Art is the carrier of culture, cultural manifestations; each painting has its own characteristics, and on behalf of Chinese national culture Chinese painting is complex with "poetry, calligraphy, painting Chinese", is China features of national culture, which is the fundamental China painting; its highest is "poetic Chinese painting".


The perfect combination of poetry, calligraphy, painting, seal and so on Chinese art, has become a national blood, this need to have real sense of responsibility for the nation and the national culture sense of crisis, people talk about, thanks to the cultural connotation of painting, his charm was greatly expanded. Not far from the former apprenticeship claboratestyle can match. Chinese painting as a technology to evaluate, so that Chinese painting lost its rich cultural heritage. The core value of Chinese painting is the ultimate embodiment of cultural value. Painting is the carrier of culture, culture sublimation of the performance of painting. The aesthetic attribute enables the creation and identification of traditional painting China reservoir are based on beyond the utilitarian spirit field, at the same time, the more utilitarian creation and appreciation in a way also purified painting unique cultural value Chinese constantly. Chinese painting is a cultural thing, not all the Chinese people can draw Chinese painting artists.


If the western painting metaphor for the "Snow", the China painting metaphor for the "plum", the Song Dynasty poet Lu Meipo verses will answer the relation among the two: "Plum blossom is not comparable to the white snow, but the snow has lost a plum fragrance". (after the two poems skillfully out two strengths and weaknesses: Mei as snow white, snow is not about "Comments on the, said excellent articles by the cultural people", also out of the snow, according to one plum. Read the poem, we can see the author to write this poem is: borrow White snow and The meaning is implied. plum blossom, warned us also to have each one has his good points, each man has his limitations, Know one's limitations. Overcome one's shortcoming by learning from other's strong points, is right. This poem Both fun, but reasonable interest, Worth thinking.) also


With a long history of Chinese painting, due to the specific historical environment, cultural heritage and national psychology and other factors to create its unique, distinctive artistic features and aesthetic system. Today, Chinese painting has achieved a historical leap, from the old classical art to the Chinese culture in the background, with the spirit of the times and national characteristics of modern art form. This is a process that will not stop. I believe in the coming years, China artists will pay more attention to the aesthetic value of Chinese painting, the connotation of beauty and beauty outside together, let old and full of vitality China painting a charming light radiation.

之所以中国画与西方绘画在价格、“影响力”差距颇大 ,究其原因笔者认为:


二、中国文化博大精深、含而不露,被称为“包子文化”;西方文化通俗易懂、张扬外显,被称为“匹萨文化”; 中国是包子文化,而西方是披萨文化。包子的馅被包子皮重重裹住,只有咬开包子皮才能够看到里面的馅,披萨则不同,无论是火腿还是牛肉它总是嵌在表面的,让人一目了然。因此上,对中国文化的不了解,也造成其(中国画与西方绘画)价格因素与影响力的不足的重要原因。


The reason why the Chinese painting and Western painting in the price, "influence" gap is quite large, the reason I think:

Because of the late Qing Dynasty, since the national strength, economic underdevelopment, diplomatic ability lag and so on factors that lead to the low position in the world of our country, all aspects of competence, discourse, different degrees of weakness, and loss.

Two, China culture broad and profound, including but not exposed, known as the "bun culture"; western culture understandable and explicit publicity, known as "pizza culture"; China is steamed culture, western culture. Steamed stuffed bun stuffed bun was heavily wrapped, only to open the skin to be able to see the inside of the "content", pizza is different, whether it is ham or beef it is always exposed to the surface, so that people at a glance. Therefore, the understanding of Chinese culture, but also cause its (Chinese painting and Western painting) price factors and the lack of influence of the important reasons.

Three, painting techniques relative to the cultural connotation is simple, easy to grasp; and rich cultural heritage Chinese painting, not on the surface of the "bright and beautiful" which can represent the (instead of). Now, the reform and opening up China's peaceful rise, national strength gradually strong, the economy gradually developed, international status significantly improved, I believe Chinese rich traditional culture China painting, "poetic Chinese painting" features continuous show, discourse, influence will have unprecedented promotion... I believe that the price of Chinese painting, in the near future, will certainly be more than oil painting (Western painting of the "ultimate", but the digital photo of the "texture") to create the Chinese myth"!


Friday, February 03, 2017

(微信公众号)顾绍骅的诗情画意 创刊号


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