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8 r5 d+ X/ ~* W/ g# G* T3 h  C) D& H- V$ R9 n7 K
  姓名:李明   d6 x; h8 W- k6 ~1 H' d! F: x1 J
  学科:生态学 ) u7 ?0 P: o3 t1 `* A
  电话/传真:+86-10-64807067 /  
$ s3 s7 ^1 Y8 y% D4 ~- E3 L2 \  电子邮件:lim@ioz.ac.cn
+ M3 n3 A4 i/ E0 M lm4490.jpg
1 |% \1 m7 U9 N# `2 F3 z. Z  通讯地址:北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
* ~$ \+ A( E3 Y) {+ g  中国科学院动物研究所中国科学院动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室 100101
8 `- m( D# P6 R" y
. O* ?9 d  v, _% s! [% |7 l, q- D- v1 B8 C. w  更多信息:灵长类生态学研究组# ?% q+ \- F/ i7 v
" ^0 C3 W  n, S) r' {7 R6 t6 X0 e$ C
  简历: ; A8 q- X0 i" |( y* F( g  c, O
  李明,男,1966年出生,汉族,安徽省宁国市人,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师,中国农工民主党党员。中国科学院动物研究所灵长类生态学研究组组长。6 R5 p8 b: B7 d, }
) R: @2 t' o2 E6 A& ]  共培养毕业研究生20余名.目前在读研究生7名,其中博士研究生4名,硕士研究生3名,另有联合培养硕士研究生2名。博士后1名。已毕业的研究生目前主要在科学院、高校等从事科研、教学和博士后研究工作。
, a4 V: H$ b* R' h0 Q1 r
; D& g2 `! A! ]( R$ K  研究领域:
# [4 ?$ R) Z0 g1 x7 v7 ^3 W  主要从事灵长类的进化生物学和保护生物学研究。研究兴趣主要集中在我国濒危灵长类的进化生物学、保护遗传学、种群基因组学、行为生态学等方面,探讨其进化历史,阐明濒危机制,并在此基础上提出相应的保护策略。
7 f# N1 {# q6 k- m" L; K' r2 s% g: c6 c* R" b
  社会任职: & }" [5 f4 U6 Y( N1 S
  中国动物学会理事、兽类学分会常务理事兼秘书长,中国动物学会灵长类学分会副理事长,中国生态学会动物生态专业委员会副主任委员,中国科学院动物研究所学位委员会委员,国家林业局全国野生动物保护管理与经营利用标准化技术委员会委员,兽类学报副主编,Integrative Zoology、生物多样性、动物学杂志等编委,国际灵长类学会会员,IUCN灵长类专家组成员。
& Z' L; |9 _6 l, R& T" M  Z
. o" D5 m% g9 O  获奖及荣誉:
: Z+ R  j9 \1 |# ?1 ~2 j4 n  承担科研项目情况:
! F! v& r" O' z2 [( j3 S  r( o  ·科技部重点研发计划重点专项“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究”项目“珍稀动物濒危机制及保护技术研究”子课题:金丝猴濒危机制及保护技术研究,2016-2020
! u( ^+ }+ I( P/ Y; p: x% t9 k/ Y7 N  ·国家自然科学基金重点项目:猕猴属物种的系统发育和适应进化研究,2016-2020
1 U' v3 [: l0 ]  ·国家自然科学基金面上项目:金丝猴社群结构的复杂性和个体间社会关系的动态变化及维持机制研究,2015-20184 n8 g  ^1 y2 W- B* Y0 q9 K6 _
  H2 O0 E: Q0 d& K  ·国家自然科学基金面上项目:高寒低氧极端环境下金丝猴的适应性进化研究,2013-2016  D: C# r4 C$ z/ e0 O- o
  ·国家林业局野生动物调查专项:滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴种群及栖息地专项调查,20126 w; X4 A+ s7 ^
  ·林业公益性行业科研专项:金丝猴生境适宜性评价与遗传管理对策研究,2011-20135 _0 \5 X9 V- s& D
' m, y+ E0 C5 C1 @: n3 X  ·中国科学院重要方向性项目汶川地震灾后生态效应与植被恢复研究(课题:地震对濒危动物栖息地及行为的影响研究,2009-2011' |; W6 D: m' g6 o! c
  ·中国科学院重要方向性项目:青藏高原及周边山系的兽类的分子系统地理学研究,2007-2010  y6 M7 P7 ?$ Z$ K8 ]& j( M
* L/ `0 W  D6 l6 w4 w  ·973项目“中国-喜马拉雅地区生物多样性演变和保护研究”子课题“物种濒危机制与保护原理”,2007-2011
( u' r) K5 T% q! t1 ]; r; _: i$ q2 G  ·国家自然科学重点基金项目:生境破碎化对金丝猴生存、繁衍的影响及其适应机制的研究,2007-2010; ^$ |9 e( _- D$ r
/ A1 |$ @! T' }& d  ·国家自然科学基金面上项目:滇金丝猴保护遗传学及分子系统地理学研究, 2006-2008' E. @# Z  U4 t. |
  ·国家自然科学基金面上项目:梅花鹿保护遗传学及分子系统地理学研究, 2003-2005; o, X3 E5 c$ e
+ j) q1 d( C  X3 C* b* \  ·国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国牛科动物中若干分类问题的研究,2000-2002
3 I/ S) I% V: W) K" U7 }: }2 t7 }8 F
: c# m- R3 p& J% `0 X  1.Zhou XM, Meng XH, Wang BS, Chang J, Liu ZJ ……Li M*. 2016. Population genomics reveals low genetic diversity and adaptation to hypoxia in snub-nosed monkeys. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33: 2670–2681.+ O, @' h0 Q% b/ v5 i6 @
  2.Liu ZJ*, Liu GJ, Hailer F, Orozco-Wengel P, Tan XX, Tian JD, Zhang BW, Wang BS, Li M*. 2016. Dietary specialization drives multiple independent losses and gains in the bitter taste gene repertoire of Laurasiatherian Mammals. Frontiers in Zoology, 13:28.
9 Q) x' w: R- P7 _# j) c5 P* m  3.Zhu PF, Ren BP, Garber PA, Xia F, Grueter CC, Li M*. 2016. Aiming low: a resident male’s rank predicts takeover success by challenging males in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti). American Journal of Primatology,78:974-982.
; ^# O3 s* Z, S  4.Fan PF*, Liu Y, Zhang ZC, Zhao C, Li C, Liu WL, Li M*. 2016. The Phylogenetic position of the white-cheeked macaque (Macaca leucogenys), a newly described species from Modog, Southeastern Tibet. Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution, 107: 80-89.+ s( |* g( o4 H
  5.Zhou XM, Xu SX, Yang G, Li M*. 2015. The position of tree shrews in the mammalian tree: Comparing multi-gene analyses with phylogenomic results leaves monophyly of Euarchonta doubtfu. Integrative Zoology, 10:186-198.- _$ f  x' ^! \  u4 c1 }# K% h
  6.Wang BS, Zhou XM, Shi FL, Liu ZJ, Roos C, Garber PA, Li M, Pan HJ. 2015. An almost full-length Numt: the evidence of hybridization between genus Trachypithecus and genus Semnopithecus among Asian colobines. American Journal of Primatology, 77:901-910.
7 E+ l' Z. F7 I, C% w! {* G) c" C5 i+ T  7.Liu ZJ, Liu GJ, Wang BS, Ren BP, Shi FL, Pan HJ, Li M*. 2015. Implications of genetics and current protected areas for conservation of 5 endangered primates in China. Conservation Biology, 29: 1508-1517
' _1 a; n* x- X3 s* @# u8 ]9 _  8.Chen YX, Wang XW, Xiao W, Xiao ZS, Li M, Xiang ZF, Li M*. 2015. Preliminary study by infra-red camera traps of a newly discovered primate species Rhinopithecus strykeri at Pianma, Yunnan, China. International Journal of Primatology, 36:679-690.3 w6 s: @% E6 ~) e- R1 c: V4 ?
  9.Grueter CC, Zhu PF, Allen WL, Higham JP, Ren BP, Li M*. 2015. Sexual selection of the snub-nosed monkey lip: Redness signals group holding status in the mating season. Royal Society Open Science, 2: 150490.# k- r9 B. F) s! _2 @' P9 X
  10.Chang ZF, Yang BH, Vigilant L, Liu ZJ, Ren BP, Yang JY, Xiang ZF, Garber P, Li M*. 2014. Evidence of male‐Biased dispersal in the endangered Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithexus roxellana). American Journal of Primatology, 76:72-83.7 O6 c8 r3 _* j- S
  11.Zhou XM, Wang BS…….Li M*. 2014. Whole-genome sequencing of the snub-nosed monkey provides insights into folivory and evolutionary history. Nature Genetics, 46:1303-1310.- Y0 J+ L9 O0 Y* Z6 L, g% J- v
  12.Yang BH, Ren BP, Chang ZF, Yao H, Yang JY, Li M*. 2014. Major histocompatibility complex and mate choice in a wild polygynous primate: the Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Integrative Zoology, 9: 598-612.! N! b! M) x2 `% N/ c
  13.Liu GJ, Walter L, Shi FL, Pan HJ, Roos C, Liu ZJ, Li M. 2014. Personalized adaptive evolution and episodic selection constraints relaxation of umami and sweet taste receptor genes Tas1rs in old world primates. Frontiers in Zoology, 11: 79 , b6 O) x8 ?& e9 T# W2 M
  14.Xiang ZF, Yang BH, Yu Y, Yao H, Yang JY, Grueter CC, Li M*. 2014. Males collectively defend their one-male units against bachelor males in a multi-level primate society.American Journal of Primatology, 76:609-617.
; B. p# N7 [9 @& @2 c  15.Liu ZJ, Wang BS, Nadler T, Liu GJ, Sun T, Huang CM, Zhou QH, Zhou J, Wang ZM, Roos C, Li M*. 2013. Relatively recent evolution of pelage coloration in Colobinae: Phylogeny and phylogeography of three closely related langur species. PLoS One, 8: e61659.. m  P, m  j- z2 ]" \' h7 a
  16.Li TF, Ren BP, LI DY, Zhu PF, Li M*. 2013. Mothering style and infant behavioral development in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in China. International Journal of Primatology, 34:681–695.
8 ~) e  |. i' S6 w1 O: C  17.Xiang ZF, Liang WB, Nie SG, Li M*. 2013. Short notes on extractive foraging behavior in gray snub-nosed monkeys. Integrative Zoology, 8: 395-399.
' J, v9 F% N! |7 \  18.Xiang ZF, Huo S, Xiao W, Li M*. 2013. Ranging pattern and population structure of Rhinopithecus bieti at Xiaochangdu, Tibet: Implications for conservation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58:2212-2219; Q! T% E( V0 _0 p+ T3 c
  19.Grueter CC, Li DY, Ren BP, Li M. 2013. Substrate use and postural behavior in free-ranging snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Yunnan. Integrative Zoology, 8: 335-345.
( Q! T5 n! u1 ^+ `. @6 Q4 {0 f  20.Grueter CC, Li DY, Ren BP, Li M. 2013. Overwintering strategy of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys: adjustments in activity scheduling and foraging patterns. Primates, 54:125–1358 r8 U- p9 `7 I
  21.Luo MF, Liu ZJ, Pan HJ, Yang JY, Li M*. 2012. Balancing Selection and Genetic Drift at MHC Genes in Isolated Populations of Golden Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12:207.0 j8 f! L- R/ t. l. p
  22.Chang ZF, Luo MF, Liu ZJ, Yang JY, Xiang ZF, Li M*, Linda Vigilant. 2012. Human influence on the population decline and loss of genetic diversity in a small and isolated population of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Genetica, 140:105-114.. j; J! u( y1 Z! E; B) \
  23.Li TF, Ren BP, Li DY, Zhang YB, Li M*. 2012. Maternal responses to dead infants in Yunnan snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus bieti)in the Baimaxueshan nature reserve, Yunnan, China. Primates, 53:127–132.
) M) G1 R& i, B8 @! a, R  24.Chang ZF, Liu ZJ, Li M*, Vigilant L. 2012. Noninvasive genetic assessment of the size and structure of the Shennongjia population of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Chinese Science Bulletin. 57:1135-1141
1 v& E, Q, Z1 j) K  25.Ren BP, Li DY, Garber PA, Li M. 2012. Fission–fusion behavior in Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Yunnan, China. International Journal of Primatology, 33:1096-11090 U2 }4 v9 U2 l# J8 g
  26.Xiang ZF, Liang WB, Nie SG, Li M*. 2012. Diet and feeding behavior of Rhinopithecus brelichi at Yangaoping, Guizhou. American Journal of Primatology, 74: 551-560.
8 B$ O8 j# {( r, R- O/ I  27.Ren BP, Li DY, Garber PA, Li M*. 2012. Evidence of allomaternal nursing across one-male units in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti). PLoS One, 7: e30041.
$ I! l# X. f. i9 R  D; T3 c  28.Luo MF, Liu ZJ, Pan HJ*, Zhao L, Li M*. 2012. Historical geographic dispersal route of golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) and influence of climatic oscillations. American Journal of Primatology, 74:91-101.
+ F" v# K" N0 C1 v  29.Pan HJ, Shi FL, Sun TT, Chang ZF, Xiang ZF, Liu ZJ, Li M*. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA variation analysis suggests extreme low genetic diversity in Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi). Chinese Science Bulletin, 24:2541-2544.
2 `/ K9 i& p- V$ B0 Y- Z  k  30.Xiang ZF, Yu Y, Yang JY, Niao MR, Alica K, Li M*. 2011. Does flagship species tourism benefit conservation? A case study of the golden snub-nosed monkey in Shennongjia national nature reserve. Chinese Science Bulletin, 24:2553-2558.
( r' d% @6 ?+ e' m4 m  31.Ren BP, Li DY, He XM, Qiu JH, Li M*. 2011. Female resistance to invading males increases infanticide in langurs. PLoS One, 6: e18971.& [4 c8 ?! |9 f
  32.Zhao L, Zhang J, Liu ZJ, Li M*. 2011. Multiple unrelated long-distance dispersal of the Salangid (Neosalanx taihuensis) during the Pleistocene: a general demographic model for inshore-orientated freshwater fish. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 58:142-147.
9 v. }, ^; x; O3 @. |/ V  33.Li DY, Ren BP , Grueter CC, Li BG, Li M*. 2010. Nocturnal sleeping habits of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey at Xiangguqing in Yunnan, China. American Journal of Primatology, 72: 1092-1099.
; U0 q9 c$ h- Z; y/ ]3 c  34.Xiang ZF, Nie SG, Chang ZF, Wei FW, Li M*. 2010. Sleeping sites of gray snub-nosed monkeys, Rhinopithecus brelichi, at Yangaoping, Guizhou. International Journal of Primatology, 31:59-71. 3 @, {7 p/ e4 {0 L% f% k3 H
  35.Ren BP, Li DY, Liu ZJ, Li BG, Wei FW, Li M*. 2010. First evidence of prey capture and meat eating by wild Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti in Yunnan, China. Current Zoology, 56:227-231.6 O5 {* j3 J: q( Q& p
  36.Liu ZJ, Ren BP, Wu RD,Zhao L, Hao YL, Wang BS, Long YC, Wei FW, Li M*. 2009. The effect of landscape features on population genetic structure of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) implies an anthropogenic genetic discontinuity.  Molecular Ecology, 18: 3831-3846.
+ |" j; y2 |& B. o6 J$ e$ J; s  I3 K  37.Xiang ZF, Nie SG, Lei XP, Chang ZF, Wei FW, Li M*. 2009. Current status and conservation of the gray snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus brelichi (Colobinae) in Guizhou, China. Biological Conservation, 142: 469-476
0 ]% ?# N0 }' L! T3 o  38.Guo ST, Ji WH, Li BG, Li M. 2008. Response of a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys to commercial logging in the Qinling mountains, China. Conservation Biology, 22: 1055-1064
# K$ N. x3 Q3 |- Z! H6 l9 W  39.Zhao L, Zhang J, Liu ZJ, Funk SM, Wei FW, Xu MQ, Li M*. 2008. Complex population genetic and demographic history of the New Taihu Icefish, Neosalanx taihuensis, based on cytochrome b sequences. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8: 201
3 D; V# P3 }$ q% ~3 ?  40.Liu ZJ, Ren BP, Hao YL, Zhang HR, Wei FW, Li M*. 2008. Identification of 13 human microsatellite markers via cross-species amplification of fecal samples from Rhinopithecus bieti. International Journal of Primatology, 29: 265-272
0 b/ S8 g% N$ X) U9 X& I' p  41.Liu ZJ, Ren BP, Wei FW, Long YC, Hao YL, Li M*. 2007. Phylogeography and population structure of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) inferred from mitochondrial control region DNA sequence analysis. Molecular Ecology, 16: 3334-3349
' `0 U3 `& ~+ S3 B3 R: @1 g# A' z  42.Li M, Liu ZJ, Gou JX, Ren BP, Pan RL, Su YJ, Funk SM, Wei, FW. 2007. Population structure and phylogeography of Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) as inferred from Mitochondrial DNA sequences. American Journal of Primatology,69: 1195 - 1209.
! u9 ~4 {+ @1 w$ T3 g1 G: u  43.Zhang BW, Li M, Zhang ZJ, Goossens B,_Zhu LF, Zhang SN, Hu JC, Bruford MW, Wei FW. 2007. Genetic viability and population history of the giant panda, putting an end to the ‘‘Evolutionary Dead End’’? Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24: 1801-1810
3 r4 \4 \) n% ~  44.Hao YL, Liu ZJ, Wu H, Ren BP, Wei FW, Li M*. 2007. Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci for the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana. Conservation Genetics, 8: 1021-1024$ u, h/ e: ]5 {- Z! ?  P: l- @
  45.Zhan XJ, Zhang ZJ, Wu H, Goossens B, Li M, Jiang SW, Bruford MW, Wei FW. 2007.  Molecular analysis of dispersal in giant pandas.  Molecular Ecology, 16: 3792-3800
+ |" b- N  v8 q' T9 `  |  46.Zhan XJ, Li M, Zhang ZJ, Goossens B, Chen YP, Wang HJ, Bruford WM, Wei FW. 2006. Molecular censusing doubles giant panda population estimate in a key nature reserve. Current Biology, 16: 451-452
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  写给考生的话: & q5 H% }, @& H3 @0 c( a8 M
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